Cirrus Transition Courses
A Cirrus Certified Transition Course permits a pilot to fly a Cirrus aircraft at Cirrus Platinum Training Centers, meaning that the pilot will now have knowledge about the aircraft the pilot desires to fly.
This Course opens the door to the joy and excitement of being able to operate our Cirrus aircraft on your own accord.
Cirrus Transition Courses for SR20 and SR22T
When you choose to fly a Cirrus aircraft, you choose to fly the most technologically advanced general aviation aircraft in the world. We ensure that our aircraft are the best equipped with every subscription available
Cirrus SR20 Transition Course
A Cirrus Certified Transition Course permits a pilot to fly a Cirrus aircraft at Cirrus Platinum Training Centers, meaning that the pilot will now have knowledge about the aircraft the pilot desires to fly. This Course opens the door to the joy and excitement of being able to operate our Cirrus aircraft on your own accord. You will be able to rent one of our aircraft to enjoy with family or friends.
The Cirrus Transition course consists of an online course provided by Cirrus. To get checked out in the SR-20, a pilot must have a Student Pilot License or higher and have a completed Cirrus VFR Transition Course. Gas prices are subject to change at any time according to our fuel provider.
Cirrus SR22T Transition Course
A Cirrus Certified Transition Course permits a pilot to fly a Cirrus aircraft at Cirrus Platinum Training Centers, meaning that the pilot will now have knowledge about the aircraft the pilot desires to fly. This Course opens the door to the joy and excitement of being able to operate our Cirrus aircraft on your own accord. You will be able to rent one of our aircraft to enjoy with family or friends.
The Cirrus Transition course consists of an online course provided by Cirrus. To get checked out in the SR-22T, the renter must have a Private Pilot License or higher (IFR preferred), a minimum of 200 total logged flight hours, a minimum of 25 hours in the make and model, a completed the Cirrus VFR/IFR Transition Course, and a complete Perspective Differences Course. Gas prices are subject to change at any time according to our fuel provider.
Our Cirrus certified instructors teach you how to fly Cirrus aircraft using
Cirrus Factory Standardized Training
New to Flying?
Cirrus Private Pilot Course
Cirrus Instrument Pilot Course
New to Cirrus – Existing Pilots
Transition Training – VFR Emphasis (9 hours estimate)
Advance Transition Training – IFR Emphasis (17 hours estimate)
5-10 hours of flight time
Cirrus Pilots
- Perspective Upgrade Training (VFR and IFR)
For Cirrus Pilots upgrading to the Garmin Perspective Avionics
Airframe/Power Plant Upgrade
- SR-22 (normally aspirated high-performance)
- SR-22TN (turbo normalized)